Why treats alone won’t fix dog behavior problems


We do not use "positive reinforcement" in its pure form for a very important reason known to every seasoned Dog Behaviorist— because it causes confusion for the dog. Achieving long term results is difficult, if not impossible to do, by simply ignoring unwanted behavior, and rewarding the desired behavior. A dog's mind simply doesn't work that way.Training dogs with treats is also extremely limiting on many levels.

One example is if a dog becomes frightened. No animal will take food in a fearful or stressed state of mind. Further, If the dog is startled by a loud noise, goes to the Vet, thunderstorms erupt, or if he panics for any reason—and doesn't have a good basic training foundation—the end result could be disastrous.

To the Positive Reinforcement/Treat trainers words like abuse, fear, cruel, and corporal punishment mean the same as a correction. These terms are taken completely out of context in an attempt to validate their own methodology. This is blatant fraudulent propaganda. Correcting a behavior, either by natural means (i.e. a person touching a thorn on a rose stem), or by training one's dog to stop leash pulling, is not abusive, cruel, or a form of corporal punishment. It is simply CAUSE and EFFECT. Cause and effect is a natural part of the learning process in all animals, humans and dogs.Our goal is to leave you with a healthy, well-adjusted dog who has a strong sense of boundaries and knows his role in your family unit, rather than a performer who simply knows a few obedience commands.

CAUSE and EFFECT is a natural part of the learning process in all animals.

Bullys Behaven

Here at Bullys Behaven we are experts at aggression and behavior modification. We work with all breeds and sizes. It’s never too late to get help your beloved companion.


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