we give you the knowledge and hands-on techniques you need to correct problems and improve the bond you have with your dog.

We do this by absorbing everything you have to say– not by forcing you to accept a dog training philosophy or modality that may not make sense for you. After almost 20 years of training dogs, we know that one size never fits all when it comes to getting real results. After a consultation, we put together a realistic and pragmatic action plan.


Behavior Modification Training includes changing routine behavior, while Obedience Training involves teaching verbal and hand commands to dogs so that they respond in a certain way. At Bullys Behaven we believe these two disciplines go hand-in-hand and so we typically use a combination of both. We focus on correcting problematic behaviors in the moments they occur.

“Unteaching” bad habits that result from bad training

As with everything in life, there is cause and effect. When misguided training is prescribed the long-term effects can be worse than the initial behavior you were trying to correct. Many dogs come to us with bad habits learned as a result of their previous training. In these cases we act as revisionists, “unteaching” the dog rather than “teaching” them.

Understanding dog psychology

At Bullys Behaven our training is based on leadership and understanding how the canine mind works. Our training methods include, but are not limited to: reading body language, leash corrections, motivation, determent and when suitable, reinforcement. Our training methods frequently involve working with our other dogs, because often dogs can teach each other better than humans can.

A large part of our training also includes teaching owners techniques and fundamentals that if improperly applied can undo the best training in the world. We will spend time working with you on critical skills like timing and understanding the intensity of correction required. We stress this part of training because many owners unwittingly encourage bad behavior by mistiming their reaction to a dog’s behavior. For example, praise offered at the wrong time can cause a dog to misinterpret an action as praise.

Where is our dog training conducted?

Training modification sessions are conducted in your home, an outdoor location or at our facility.  If the issues arise when your dog is in your home then that’s often where our work will be done. When a dog demonstrates social problems in public, then an outside location may be required.